So here we are at the start of another new era in the life of the Hawkes Bay Photographic Society. This is the first news article to be posted on the newly redesigned website, and in it I will run through the thought process behind the changes that have been made.
The main driver behind this website is that HBPS is a photographic society so we wanted the website to be visually appealing and to show off some the stunning work that we as a group produce on a regular basis. I am always excited and shocked (in a good way) to see the work that our members produce on a monthly basis, and as a group it encompasses a wide range of photographic genres and styles.
The second underlying reason for a change in the website was to have the information that members and non-members need to access, in a format that is easy to follow but still comprehensive.
The task to update the site was enormous, and one which needed specific communication expertise in curating the information and providing a visually engaging website in line with the HBPS goals. So a huge thanks to one of our members, Anil Dumasia, a brand consultant & web designer who understood exactly what was needed to design and execute a modern looking website for us.
Further, and on behalf of the committee I would also like to acknowledge the role Noel O’Riley has played for his past contribution to the old website; it was not an easy task working with a site requiring a major overhaul. Noel rose to the challenge and remoulded, upgraded and maintained that site to date. We are very grateful for his time and effort to get us to this juncture.
Finally, I am thankful to have this website up and running as we head into another year in the life of HBPS. I would encourage our members to bookmark this site and visit it on a regular basis as it will be our main focus for providing information, news, events and showcase the work of our talented photographers.

Andrew Caldwell | President