Guidelines to help you submit your images for assessment correctly.

There has been an increasing tendency of late for the following:
- incorrect formatting of file names
- non compliance of maximum file size
- late entries
To bring clarity on requirements please see the link below which will direct you to the correct web page for information to ensure you are able to provide the file(s) correctly. This should be reviewed regularly to ensure you understand and provide correct files every time.
Some of the information has been expanded on and amended to help with your submission – so please read carefully.
The information will help you with:
- Correct file naming/formatting
- Correct use of prefix depending on your ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade entry submissions
- Digital file sizing guidance for submissions – specifications have been amended and simplified
- Deadline for submissions – note that any entries which do not comply with formatting requirements or entered after the deadline may be disqualified from judging for the month of entry
If in doubt about your understanding of the requirements then please ask a fellow member for help and to work through it together or approach one of the committee members before submitting. Don’t leave it to the last minute.