As part of the review of the monthly competition, and how it worked in 2020, the Committee decided that the following changes would be implemented in the 2021 monthly competition. The aim of these changes is to encourage members to submit images into the Set Subject category and to challenge themselves, to experience new forms of photography, expand their knowledge of different photographic techniques and subject matter. This also aligns with the discussion at the last AGM about encouraging more members to enter the Set Subject Categories.
Addendum to Monthly Competition
As part of the review of the monthly competition, and how it worked in 2020, the Committee decided that the following changes would be implemented in the 2021 monthly competition. The aim of these changes is to encourage members to submit images into the Set Subject category and to challenge themselves, to experience new forms of photography, expand their knowledge of different photographic techniques and subject matter. This also aligns with the discussion at the last AGM about encouraging more members to enter the Set Subject Categories.
In the 2021 monthly competitions the points awarded for the Set Subject grades will be increased by 50% ( as listed below ), rounded down to the nearest whole number. This increase in points only applies to the Set Subject categories for A and B Grade. Other categories will retain the current points awards (also listed below).
The number of entries per category remains unchanged from 2020 ( ie maximum of 3 entries per month, and a maximum of 2 entries in any 1 category ).
Full details:
2021 points grades for Open and Creative Categories – NO Change to the points:
Honours 5
Highly Commended 4
Commended 3
Accepted 1
Not Accepted 0
Judges Choice 2
2021 points grades for Set Subject Category – new points
Honours 7
Highly Commended 6
Commended 4
Accepted 2
Not Accepted 0
Judges Choice 3

Anil Dumasia | President