guidance for judges

Andrew Caldwell


Thank you for volunteering your time to evaluate the images presented. Our members frequently affirm the value of our monthly image evaluations – your input is greatly appreciated.

The results of this evaluation will contribute to members’ points totals; these in turn influence the major awards presented by HBPS. More importantly, the feedback you provide on the images presented will assist our members along their photographic journeys.

Evaluation guidance

To help you with evaluating images we have prepared some helpful guidelines (see below) with regard to criteria based on the members level within the group i.e. grade A or grade B, the category the images are entered in and guidance on awarding the appropriate commendation and feedback.

Evaluation night

Results are presented at our monthly evaluation meeting, which is held on the last Tuesday of the month. It is helpful if we receive the evaluation results at least a week prior to the meeting, so that we can compile these results for presentation and calculate the updated points tables in advance of the meeting.

The majority of our judges live outside of Hawke’s Bay, so it is rare for a judge to attend the meeting to present the results in person. However, if you do wish to do so, please let us know – our members are always really appreciative when this happens. We may be able to provide free accommodation if you do happen to be in the region. 

Finally, if you have any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in contact.

We hope you will enjoy evaluating these photographs, and we appreciate your time spent in helping us – thank you.


Categories for evaluation

Members of HBPS are grouped into two grades:

‘B’ Grade: Members who have not yet earned enough awards to progress to A grade.

‘A’ Grade: Members who have progressed through B grade and achieved recognition.

Progression from B grade to A grade is by way of achieving a cumulative total of four “honours” in monthly evaluations. There is no time limit on how long a photographer may take to attain this.

At any given time there tends to be a number of experienced and skilled photographers in B grade. This can include newcomers to HBPS who start in B grade (these photographers may progress to A grade very quickly), or members who have earned four honours but have chosen to defer their progression to A grade. Entries in B grade can therefore encompass a very wide range of abilities.

Entries are grouped into five categories:

Grading of images

For each image you may award one of the following options: