Competition rules
Competition rules
Conditions and terms of entry into competitions
Entry into any photographic competition run by the Hawkes Bay Photographic Society Inc. (HBPS) implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
1. All entries must be produced by the entrant, and must originate as a photograph taken by that entrant. Extensive editing and processing of the entry is allowed, if undertaken by the entrant. However, images that are produced without the initial use of a camera by the entrant (e.g. computer generated graphics) are not allowed.
2. Entrants must ensure that they have permission to photograph and exhibit any subject featured in their entries.
3. An entry may include components of multiple different images (e.g. different Individual photographs blended in photoshop), but when this occurs, every individual image used must satisfy the above requirements.
4. Entrants retain copyright of all entries.
5. However, all entrants grant HBPS the right to reproduce and distribute their entries for the following purposes:
a. Any reproduction and distribution that is necessary to allow for judging, including electronic transmission of images to Judges residing outside Hawke’s Bay.
b. Display of entries at club meetings.
c. Reproduction of award-winning images for publicity purposes, including on the HBPS website. When this occurs, all such images will appear with credit to the author.
6. Entries should comply with all rules displayed on the HBPS website, at https:/ (this page)
NOTE: These rules can change from time-to-time. The HBPS committee does endeavour to communicate any change in rules to as many members as possible, however it is still worth checking the website regularly to ensure your entries are compliant with the current rules.
Monthly Digital Competition
Image categories, file naming, image size specifications & deadlines
Submission criteria:
- A maximum of 2 images per month
- No more than 1 image in any one category
- Only digital files will be accepted.
- All images must be your own photos. Any digital manipulation must have been done by yourself, or on your specific instructions. Professional scanning from film to digital media is allowed.
This section is all yours. Pick your subject, take your best shot. We’re always pleased with the wide variety of images members come up with.
Digital file naming/labeling convention:
Title of your image
Incorrect formatting: it is no longer necessary to add a number or your name or the month
Incorrect formatting: 400 – IMAGE TITLE – Your name – Competition Month.jpg
Important note:
Your name and grade are automatically added by the Online Portal. Please do not add your name to the title.
Each month there is a set subject for you to test your skills and creativity against. These subjects are set for the whole year, prior to each years commencement.
Digital file naming/labeling convention:
Title of your image
Incorrect formatting: it is no longer necessary to add a number or your name or the month
Incorrect formatting: 400 – IMAGE TITLE – Your name – Competition Month.jpg
Important note:
Your name and grade are automatically added by the Online Portal. Please do not add your name to the title.
What some would refer to as playtime. This is where you get to try those photography techniques that cause others to ask how did they do that? No hard and fast rules but a slight preference for in-camera experimentation and the software usage enhancing rather than turning the image into something else completely.
Defining the “creative” category:
The distinction between “creative” and “open” photography can be a difficult one to make. In its loosest definition, “creativity” refers to the use of imagination, originality, and inventiveness – attributes that we should be seeking to attain in all of our photographic endeavours.
For the “creative” category, we have ask our members to go a step further, and use some technique, either in-camera, or during post-processing, that gives the resulting photo a sense of alteration of reality. These photos may involve a number of different techniques and components that alter the photographic truth. The result may be surreal or abstract, it may be absurd, or it may display a clearly impossible scenario in a way that appears believable and realistic.
In this regard, the use of HDR or a long shutter speed, on its own and without manipulation of reality, is not sufficient. Nor is an unusual perspective on a subject – unless that perspective serves to alter the apparent reality of the subject.
While the above is a pre-requisite for this category, an outstanding “creative” image will go further, and demonstrate originality, inventiveness, and/or provoke an emotive response in the viewer.
Digital file naming/labeling convention:
Title of your image
Incorrect formatting: it is no longer necessary to add a number or your name or the month
Incorrect formatting: 400 – IMAGE TITLE – Your name – Competition Month.jpg
Important note:
Your name and grade are automatically added by the Online Portal. Please do not add your name to the title.
All digital files must comply to the following:
- Maximum upload file size: 20 MB
- Only JPEG/JPG image files are accepted.
- Images larger than 1920px horizontal (wide) and 1080px vertical (high) will be automatically resized down to fit within the PSNZ guidelines
- Images that don’t have at least one side the minimum recommended length above will not be accepted.
Submission options:
- Images are due: by midnight of the Club Meeting (ie the last Tuesday of the month) that the subject finishes on.
- Images to be loaded via the new portal –
- Only 2 images may be loaded – The HBPS Portal currently accepts 3 and you will be asked to delete one image. It will save everyone time if you stick to the limit of 2 images.
- Any issues please email
- Results will be available at the end of month meeting following the submission deadline.
Important note: No extension to the deadline as the committee needs to send all images for external judging.
Mid Year Print Competition & Awards
Image categories, file naming, image size specifications & deadlines
Submission criteria:
- ‘A’ Grade & ‘B’ Grade
- Maximum number of entries per person = 2
- Entry form must be completed otherwise entries will not be accepted
- Images do not have to have been submitted to HBPS competitions, and the category is deemed to be Open
- Colour images may be converted to black and white, and vice versa, from the version previously entered during the year
There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and 1st place will receive a cup.
If there are any questions please contact a member of the Committee for clarification
- Landscape OR Portrait
- MINIMUM matted & mounted print: finished size 500mm x 400mm
- Printed image can be any size within these dimensions
Submission of prints:
- May Club Meeting – ie the mid year print deadline is the last Tuesday of the month before the dinner.
Important note: No extension to the deadline.
Entry Form: Mid Year Print Competition & Awards
End of Year Print Competition & Awards
Guidelines, specifications & deadlines
Submission criteria:
- ‘A’ & ‘B’ Grade Colour
- A’ & ‘B’ Grade Black and White
- ‘A’ & ‘B’ Grade Creative
- The images must be entered in the Grade that you are in at the time of entry (so even if an image was judged previously in B Grade, and you have moved to A Grade, then the EOY prints will be judged as A Grade). If you are eligible to move to A Grade but have not yet done so then your images will be entered in the B Grade category.
- All entries must have been shown at the monthly club competitions during the current competition year between February and November, or at the Mid Year Print Competition.
- Entries are to be made into the current grade of the member, as at the time of the last Club meeting in November.
- There will be one winner selected per category.
- Colour images may be converted to black and white, and vice versa, from the version previously entered during the year.
- Maximum number of entries: total 6 per person
- Maximum number of entries per category: 2
- Entry form must be completed otherwise entries will not be accepted.
If there are any questions please contact a member of the Committee for clarification.
- Landscape OR Portrait
- Matted & mounted prints only: finished size 500mm x 400mm
- Printed image can be any size within these dimensions
Submission of prints:
- October: Club night Meeting – 29th October 2024
- November: Club Night Meeting – 12th November 2024
Important note: No extension to the deadline as we need to allow time for judging of entries.