CAN Exhibition 2022 Entry form & Instructions

 Please complete the appropriate section in which you are entering

  • Printed Wall Art Display

Priority will be given to wall art exhibition (as the HBPS have paid for physical space in the main exhibition hall). Eligible images must have meet the following to exhibit:

In the Monthly Digital Evaluation you have achieved:

  • Accepted, Commended, Highly Commended, Honours or Judges Choice

In the Print Competitions ie

  • Mid Year Competition & Awards: Placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Cup Winners
  • End of Year Competition & Awards: Category Awards winners in Colour, Black & White or Creative and Cup Winners
  • All who entered the print awards but did not achieve a placement or a win will also qualify to enter. We recognise the effort and expense in contributing to the print awards which needs to be rewarded by being displayed on the wall.

Minimum standard display specification

  1. Landscape or Portrait
  2. Minimum matted and mounted print (finished size 500mm x 400mm). Image can be any size within these dimensions.
  3. You can get your images professionally presented through Edges Art + Framing to the specification in point 2 at a cost of $50 inc. gst per image – see link:

Other substrates framing will be permitted

  • ie framed, canvas, glass, acrylic etc
  • Images must be prepared with appropriate hanging mechanism suitable for hanging as advised by CAN

Image labelling 

  • Authors name, photography honours eg LPSNZ, FPSNZ (if any), A or B Grade, category, image title, award achieved, (price if item is for sale).
  • At minimum: Author’s Name, Image title, A or B grade – the rest is optional if the individual knows what they achieved – saves admin work in finding this info.
    • Joe Blogs LPSNZ (A Grade)
    • Joe Blogs LPSNZ (A Grade) Set Subject: Pets – Commended ($250)
  • Place label on the back of the print in the top right corner

PRINT ENTRY: You can submit up to 5 images

  • If we have more images than the venue can comfortably take then we will need to make some decisions about which images can be displayed. To help us do this please number your images 1-5.  1 being high preference for display and 5 being least preferred if images have to be culled from the exhibition.

Submission Deadline

Printed Wall Art Entries

  • Register your entries using the form below.
  • Hand in your Wall Art on: Tuesday 12 April 2022 (bring to workshop evening
Printed Wall Art entry form:
Provide your list of entries in the form field below:
Authors name, photography honours eg LPSNZ, FPSNZ (if any), A or B Grade, category, image title, award achieved, (price if item is for sale).

At minimum:
Author’s Name, Image title, A or B grade - the rest is optional if the individual knows what they achieved - saves admin work in finding this info.

Joe Blogs LPSNZ (A Grade)
Joe Blogs LPSNZ (A Grade) Set Subject: Pets - Commended ($250)

• PRINT ENTRY: You can submit up to 5 images If we have more images than the venue can comfortably take then we will need to make some decisions about which images can be displayed. To help us do this please number your images 1-5. 1 being high preference for display and 5 being least preferred if images have to be culled from the exhibition.

Digital Projection Display

ALL members who have submitted images to any of the Monthly Digital Evaluation or Print Competitions within the eligible time period (March 2020 – March 2022) will be eligible for digital projection display. This provides an opportunity for every member to be able to showcase, contribute and be part of the exhibition irrespective of having achieved commendation.

  • NOTE: If you have an image(s) displayed on the wall then this cannot be displayed as part of the digital projection
  • Image labelling
    • Image title, Category, Award achieved, Authors name, photography honours eg LPSNZ, FPSNZ (if any) A or B Grade.
    • eg: Cat in a hat_Set Subject, Pets_Commended_Joe Blogs LPSNZ (A Grade). jpeg
      • This will help in randomising images when displayed
  • Image sizing
    • Resolution:72ppi
    • Dimensions: 2000 pixels on the longest side
    • 4MB Max file size

Submission Deadline

Submit your images to:

  1. Email:
  2. Subject: CAN 2022 DIGITAL ENTRY
  3. Deadline: Tuesday 26 April 2022 by 5pm
  4. You can submit up to 6 images